Saturday, August 14, 2010

You've come a long way, baby!

Poor me. I "survived" a year in Italy. I know, it sounds ridiculous. I was blessed with the opportunity to see sights that few Americans will ever see. I climbed the side of an Alp, went scuba diving in water so clear it was like bath water, and ate oranges so flavorful my mouth hurt. I captured thousands of photos of architecture preserved and appreciated longer than our country has been formed. I've learned how to pretend to speak Italian, and am on a first-name basis with our local prosciutto guy. I was introduced to an amazing culture who enjoys "Dolce far niente" - the pleasure of idleness.

During the first unassuring moments when we sat on the bus after landing in Venice, I questioned our decision to move across the ocean with 2 small children. But now, I embrace the chance to continue our adventure. I'm not ready to stop exploring. There are still things I want to see. I am still on the search for good Italian pizza, and my bucket list for Italy is still way too full. I haven't had my gondola ride in Venice (cliche, I know), watched an opera in Verona at the Arena, or been cussed at by a Sicilian. Ok...that has happend over here in the States, but that doesn't count.

For this American girl who wants everything done yesterday, I'm ready to experience the pleasure of idleness. With great fervor..wait, how do you tackle idlness with fervor...I'll get back to you on that, I'm going back for another year.

Che sera, sera - whatever will be, will be.
Ciao for now!

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