Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Italian Fashionistas

Search the web and you will find a website dedicated to the fashion nightmares of WalMart. The hot-pink, spandex-wearing, belly-exposed women (and men) are caught unknowlingly by presumably more fashion-savy people with cell phone cameras. These pictures are then posted for others to enjoy (aka mock). The pictures are like minitaure train-wrecks; capturing and holding your attention as you utter words of, "what were they thinking? do they have a mirror?"

So, could it be possible that in Italy, the fashion mecca of the world, there are people who walk around wearing anything but the latest styles? You better believe it! My son, who normally is oblivious to most anything as his eyes are usually pointed straight at his DS, once said as we were driving, "Do all of the men in Italy wear purple pants?" "Only the guh..." - a swift backhand to DH prevented him from finishing his answer. We don't need to go there YET.

On driving home yesterday, as I rounded the traffic circle near our house, I saw a man on a bike. He was wearing a full length mink coat (I'm guessing it was mink...I luckily didn't get a feel), huge Paris Hilton sunglasses, a FABULOUS black sequined winter hat (the kind with the brim that rolls, also covered in sequins), and was carrying a rainbow colored umbrella, as it was raining. I know it was a man because I got a really close look at him, as he was driving in the center of my lane and almost became my hood ornament because he was traveling at a slow 2 miles per hour.

An Italian national (what we military call the Italians that work on base) that works at the cell phone store in the P/X dresses very "revealing." She leaves little to the imagination (picture Peg Bundy). I once asked an Italian friend of mine if she was typical of how Italian women dress, and my friend's reply was, "No, she's just trashy." So, I guess Italians do have their own version of WalMart people.

Ciao' for now!

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